1 楼mympps 2023-10-07 20:44 俄罗斯
Hello, how do I add your confirm code to the file?<br />
destoon/template/default/member/my-sell.htm<br />
code:<br />
1. a href={$DT[file_my]}?mid={$mid}&action=delete&itemid={$v[itemid]} onclick=return confirm('确定要删除吗?此操作将不可撤销');<br />
2. input type=submit value= 删除选中 class=btn onclick=if(confirm('确定要删除选中{$MOD[name]}吗?')){this.form.action='?mid={$mid}&status={$status}&action=delete'}else{return false;}/
网站 2023-12-29 22:29 回复:
This is not the available code for DESTON, it can only be used as a reference
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2 楼mympps 2023-10-07 20:52 俄罗斯
How to create a beautiful alert, comfirm, prompt for Destoon b2b?<br />
如何打造美丽 alert, comfirm, prompt 为了 Destoon b2b?
网站 2023-12-29 22:30 回复:
This requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS, and other elements to be implemented
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反对 1
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